Monday, December 18, 2006

hitchhiker's philosophy

After working on my blogging work for some time, I decided to take a break and decided to read the HitchHiker's Guide to Galaxy. For the uninformed, it is a book where earth is destroyed and the last living human takes a lift from a passing space craft to alien and unexplored worlds. In this book, there is a field of improbability that is protecting a planet where the ruler of the universe lives. As you can understand, the term ruler of the universe conjures up grand visions of a wise old man on a golden throne. The reality is that an old man lives in a leaky shaft with his cat. Six individuals come and seek his advice to run the universe. When a man lands on the planet and asks him how he feels about the fact that his decisions affect the people of the universe, he says he has not met these people and does not know them. He says that his eyes and his ears are his universe. What he sees and what he hears is the universe.
When he is asked about past, he says that the past is nothing but one's own opinion of about one's experiences in life is the past. Come to think of it, what he says is absolutely true. what is our past?? all that we care to remember is our past. what we desire to remember constitutes our past. we wish to remember that india was a great nation in the past. we do not wish to remember the atrocities committed on the so called lower castes. If I manage to remember this, I can kiss my arrogance and conceit bye bye.
On a funny note, he asks his cat whether in its mind, it too sees people coming and asking him questions. He asks whether it seems to the cat as if they are singing to it?? Then, he acknowledges the possibility that perhaps they are indeed singing to the cat and he is the one who thinks they are asking him questions. The next time a person walks up to him, he asks- Are you hear to sing to the cat?? The poor guy ends up asking- "would the cat like that??
Any time you feel life is getting to you, read this Book. I guarantee the sheer quantity of sensible nonsense in this book will lighten you up:)

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